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Showing posts from September, 2024

Can Yorkies Be Left Alone? Understanding Their Social Needs

  Can Yorkies Be Left Alone? Understanding Their Social Needs Yorkies, the spirited and affectionate toy breed, are known for their strong bonds with their families. Many prospective owners wonder if Yorkies can be left alone and, if so, for how long. Understanding their social needs, potential for separation anxiety, and effective strategies for managing alone time can help ensure a happy and well-adjusted pet. Are Yorkies Social Dogs? Yorkies are inherently social animals, thriving on companionship and human interaction. Their affectionate nature and lively personality make them delightful companions who enjoy being part of family activities. This strong need for social interaction can make them less suited to being left alone for extended periods, as they may feel lonely or anxious without their human family members. How Long Can a Yorkie Be Left Alone? The amount of time a Yorkie can be left alone largely depends on their age, temperament, and level of training. Puppies require fre

Are Yorkies Hard to Housebreak?

  Are Yorkies Hard to Housebreak? Yorkies, known for their spirited personality and intelligence, can present unique challenges for new owners when it comes to housebreaking. Understanding their characteristics, effective training strategies, and common hurdles can facilitate a smoother housebreaking process. This article explores whether Yorkies are hard to housebreak and offers practical tips for successful training. What Makes Yorkies Unique in Housebreaking? Yorkies are generally recognized for their intelligence and eagerness to please, which can make housebreaking easier than with some other breeds. Their sharp minds often lead to quick learning and adaptability, advantageous traits when establishing house rules. However, their sometimes stubborn nature may introduce variability in their behavior, affecting the housebreaking process. Familiarizing yourself with Yorkies' distinct traits can provide insight into the best approach for training. How Important is Consistency in Tr

Puppy Socialization: Essential Strategies for Yorkies

Introduction Socializing Yorkie puppies is key to fostering well-mannered, confident, and loving companions. Yorkies may be small, but their big personalities shine with proper socialization. Early exposure to new people, environments, and sounds helps build their confidence and reduces the risk of fear-based behaviors in the future. The Critical Period of Socialization Between 12 and 20 weeks, Yorkies are especially receptive to new experiences. This is when they form lasting impressions and learn essential social skills. Positive experiences during this time, like meeting friendly dogs or hearing household noises, can prevent future behavioral issues such as anxiety or aggression. At Setareh Yorkies, we ensure our puppies are exposed to various stimuli to foster well-rounded, confident personalities. Perfect Timing for Socialization Starting socialization between 3 to 12 weeks is ideal for Yorkies. During this phase, they’re more open to learning about their surroundings. Every puppy

8 Things That Can Affect Your Yorkie's Digestive Health

New Home/Environment When bringing your Yorkie home, expect some digestive upset. The transition from their familiar surroundings can cause loose stools for a few weeks. Monitor them closely and consult a vet if it persists. Quality Nutrition Feed your Yorkie a balanced diet, like Paw Tree Pet Food, which includes prebiotics, probiotics, and digestive enzymes to support their digestive system. Water Bowl Dirty water bowls can cause diarrhea. Wash their bowl daily, use stainless steel, and ensure fresh water is available to prevent bacteria buildup. Table Scraps Feeding your Yorkie table scraps can upset their stomach. Stick to their regular diet and avoid giving them human food. Scavenging Yorkies, especially puppies, explore with their mouths, so they might eat something harmful. Always check their environment and watch for concerning symptoms like bloody stools. Time of Year Spring brings more parasites and germs. Keep your Yorkie from drinking from puddles and clean their paws after

Why Should You Use an Exercise Pen to Train Your New Puppy?

Our puppies are introduced to exercise pens at an early age, starting around 4 to 5 weeks old and continuing until they go home at about 8 weeks. Exercise pen training offers similar benefits to crate training, but with added space and freedom for your puppy: Housetraining: An exercise pen helps with housetraining by providing a designated, confined space for the puppy, reducing the likelihood of accidents while unsupervised. Puppies learn to associate the pen with holding their bladder until they are let out for bathroom breaks. Safety and Management: Pens offer a safe space where your puppy can explore and play without getting into trouble, like chewing on harmful objects or accessing dangerous areas. You can step away knowing your puppy is secure. Boundary Setting: Much like a crate, the pen establishes boundaries for your puppy, teaching them to understand where they should stay when you can’t supervise them. Over time, they associate the pen with relaxation and comfort. Promot

Essential Grooming Tips for Your Yorkshire Terrier

Image from Stock Cake Yorkshire Terriers are not only charming and lively, but they also come with a beautiful, distinctive coat that requires regular grooming to stay healthy and looking their best. Here are some crucial grooming tips from Setareh Yorkies to help you keep your Yorkie’s coat in top condition: Understanding the Yorkie Coat Yorkies have a silky, fine coat that is prone to tangling and matting if not properly cared for. Their hair grows continuously and needs regular maintenance to avoid becoming unruly. Unlike some other breeds, Yorkies don’t have multiple coat types, but their coat does require specific grooming attention. Regular Brushing To prevent tangles and mats, brush your Yorkie’s coat at least 3-4 times a week. A slicker brush works well for removing tangles, while a pin brush is ideal for overall brushing. Use a comb to check for any hidden knots and ensure their coat remains smooth. Regular brushing helps keep their coat shiny and prevents it from becoming mat

What to Look for in a Reputable Breeder: Part 3 – Health Testing

Image from Stock Cake When it comes to selecting a reputable breeder, health testing is non-negotiable. It’s not enough to simply rely on a vet’s opinion or basic DNA tests. A truly comprehensive health testing regimen involves breed-specific evaluations designed to screen for conditions that may affect the breed. For instance, in the case of Yorkies, essential health tests include OFA evaluations for Patellas, Eyes, Heart, along with DNA testing. While some of these tests can be performed by a regular vet, the results must be submitted to the OFA for official certification. Any dog that does not pass these tests should not be used for breeding. Health testing is crucial for ensuring that you are breeding healthy dogs and working towards improving the breed. For example, if a dog has been rated with Fair Hips (the lowest passing grade), it’s best to pair them with a dog that has a Good or better hip rating to enhance the overall health of future generations. Without thorough health tes

Choosing Between a Male or Female Yorkie: A Comprehensive Guide

Photo by Fernanda Nuso on Unsplash When deciding whether to get a male or female Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie), there are some key differences that prospective owners might consider. While both make loving companions, understanding their unique traits can help you choose the right fit for your lifestyle. Temperament Differences Yorkies are known for their bold, affectionate, and loyal personalities, regardless of gender. However, some subtle temperament differences exist. Male Yorkies are often more playful, loving, and eager to please their owners. They tend to be less reserved and more sociable, making them great for families with children or those looking for an interactive and affectionate pet. Male Yorkies often bond closely with their owners and enjoy frequent attention. Female Yorkies , on the other hand, can be more independent and assertive. They might be slightly more aloof than males but are just as loving. Females tend to mature faster, which can make them easier to train in

Are Yorkies Calm or Hyper?

Photo by Matt Walsh on Unsplash Yorkshire Terriers, affectionately known as Yorkies, are a popular small dog breed loved for their big personalities and adorable looks. One question many potential owners ask is whether Yorkies are generally calm or hyper. Understanding their typical behavior and energy levels can help prospective owners determine if a Yorkie fits their lifestyle. This article explores the factors that influence a Yorkie's temperament and energy, offering insights into what to expect when bringing one of these spirited dogs into your home. What is the Typical Energy Level of a Yorkie? Yorkies are known for their lively and energetic nature. These little dogs often have big personalities packed into their small frames. They love to play, explore, and engage with their surroundings. Yorkies are very active and curious by nature, and they enjoy interactive playtime, such as fetch, tug-of-war, or chasing toys around the house. However, despite their high energy levels,

What Does "Health Tested" Really Mean? A Deep Dive into Health Testing for Breeding Dogs

Image from Stockcake  One of the key responsibilities of a reputable breeder is health testing. However, many people aren't fully aware of what "health tested" truly entails. It's not just a routine vet check-up. While regular vet visits are essential, there's much more involved in determining whether a dog is suitable for breeding. What is Health Testing? Health testing involves a series of specialized tests tailored to each breed to ensure that you are doing everything possible to produce healthy puppies. For our dogs, these tests include: OFA Hips OFA Elbows OFA Heart OFA Eyes OFA Patellas DNA Testing Hips and Elbows Hips and elbow tests are conducted using X-rays. The dog is positioned in a specific way, and X-rays are taken and sent to the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). There, orthopedic specialists review and grade the X-rays, and the results are sent back. Hip Ratings: Hips are rated as Excellent, Good, or Fair (all within normal limits), or Bord

What to Look for in a Reputable Yorkie Breeder: Part 2

  Puppy Curriculum. The first 8 weeks of a Yorkie puppy's life are crucial and lay the foundation for their future behavior and development. These early weeks are irreplaceable, as a puppy's brain undergoes rapid growth and is like a sponge, soaking up new experiences, sights, and sounds. The prime window for this learning and socialization is within the first 16 weeks. Beyond this period, socializing them to new things becomes more challenging. During the first 8 weeks, a puppy progresses through the Neonatal stage, the Transitional stage, and starts the Socialization stage. Understanding when each stage begins and adapting the curriculum accordingly is essential because each litter may reach these milestones at different times. A proper puppy curriculum goes beyond simply providing toys; it involves carefully planned activities and exposure to various sounds, people, and environments at the right developmental moments for the best possible outcomes. It’s about observing deve

How to Prepare Your Yorkie for the Vet

Image from Stockcake Just like us, our furry companions need regular check-ups to stay healthy, even though they may not look forward to it. While your Yorkie might never fully enjoy a visit to the vet, there are steps you can take to make the experience less stressful for both of you. A little preparation goes a long way in helping your pup feel more at ease. 1. Visit the Vet Outside of Appointment Times If your Yorkie only goes to the vet for appointments, they may start associating the clinic with uncomfortable experiences like shots or examinations. To break this association, consider stopping by the vet's office occasionally without a scheduled appointment. Many veterinary clinics allow owners to bring their pets in just to get familiar with the environment, receive treats, or say hello to the staff. These positive visits can help your Yorkie feel less anxious about future vet visits. 2. Exercise Before the Appointment Yorkies, like most dogs, can carry a lot of nervous energy

What to Look For in a Reputable Yorkie Breeder: Part 1

Recently, I've noticed a significant increase in people reaching out to me with questions about puppies from other breeders. To start, let me say that I understand I may not be the right breeder for everyone—and that's perfectly okay. What truly matters to me is that anyone looking to buy a Yorkie does so from a reputable breeder. The truth is, even if someone decides to breed just one litter, they fall into the category of "breeder." And just because it’s a single litter doesn’t exempt them from adhering to the basic standards that every breeder should follow. The points I’ll share are based on my experience breeding Yorkies for over 20 years, during which I’ve carefully raised 11 litters. Each week, I'll be sharing more parts of this list, so stay tuned! Purpose. Every breeder should have a clear purpose, and each litter they produce should serve a meaningful goal. A key question to ask is: why did they choose to breed Yorkies? What makes this breed special to

4 Essential Commands to Teach Your Yorkie Puppy: Come, Sit, Stay, and Kennel

Image from Stockcake   Introduction Training a Yorkie puppy can be both a fun and rewarding experience. These little dogs are known for their intelligence and energetic personality, which makes them highly trainable. Establishing a foundation with essential commands like "Come," "Sit," "Stay," and "Kennel" not only helps in building a strong bond with your pup but also ensures their safety and good behavior. Let’s dive into these four fundamental commands and how to effectively teach them to your Yorkie puppy. 1. Come The "Come" command is crucial for safety and recall. Whether your Yorkie is off-leash at the park or has wandered off, "Come" brings them back to you. How to Teach It: Start indoors with minimal distractions. Sit on the floor a few feet away from your puppy. Use a happy, encouraging tone and say, "Come!" while gently tugging on their leash or patting your thighs. When your puppy comes to you, reward the

Why Pet Insurance is Essential for Your Yorkie

Image by Stockcake Introduction: Yorkies are more than just pets; they are family members. As loving pet parents, we want to provide the best care possible for our furry friends. But what happens when an unexpected illness or accident occurs? That's where pet insurance becomes invaluable. This post will explore why pet insurance is a wise investment for your Yorkie’s health and well-being. 1. The Rising Costs of Veterinary Care: Veterinary care costs have been on the rise, especially with advancements in pet healthcare technology. From routine check-ups to emergency surgeries, costs can quickly add up. Pet insurance provides a safety net, allowing you to focus on your Yorkie’s care rather than the financial burden. 2. Coverage for Unexpected Emergencies: Yorkies, like all pets, are susceptible to sudden illnesses or injuries. Whether it’s a broken bone from a playful accident or a sudden illness like pancreatitis, emergencies can be stressful. Having pet insurance ensures you’re pr